Idiot dog owners
(too old to reply)
2011-10-22 09:26:00 UTC
Lee, you might think about LGD. My horseshoer has sheep as well. He
bought an Ahkbash and swears by her. Two of them (once they got old
enough) should take care of the problem dogs. He has just one and has
yet to lose any sheep since getting her. I really hate idiot owners.
My brother's wife received injuries while trying to protect her small
dog from a neighbor's pit bull dog. My brother got home and saw his
wife on the ground, blood everywhere and the dig standing over her.
He bailed out of his truck and shot the dog. The neighbor had been
warned several times about her dog. Christy's little dog spent lots
of time at Auburn for several surgeries, but in the end, he didn't
make it.
Hope you get a chance to take care of the dogs.
Susan R
Bruce Atchison - author
2011-10-22 14:08:10 UTC
I agree with you, Susan. People ought to take care, as well as
responsibility, for their dogs. We, as a society, are getting to the point
where people blame others for their own thoughtlessness. Nobody wants to
take responsibility.

I sympathise with your brother's wife. People with dangerous dogs ought to
keep them on leashes. Dog attacks are becoming so common that quite a few
cities are inacting dangerous dog legislation to control the problem. When
smaller dogs, cats, and young children are savaged by these out-of-control
animals on a frequent basis, it's time that their owners paid the price for
their carelessness and arrogance.


Bruce Atchison - author of When a Man Loves a Rabbit and Deliverance from

