Last ALSA show?
(too old to reply)
2011-10-22 09:12:09 UTC
I took three llamas to the Perry show last weekend. One of them was
my 18 month old female. She took two first place ribbons and a
reserve Grand. She also knocked one of the judges off her feet. She
was probably the youngest and largest female in the class. She was
wound up tighter than an 8 day clock as well. I have always said that
I prefer a show llama to come in the ring snorting fire, and boy did I
get it. She is a handful.
Bruce Atchison - author
2011-10-22 13:57:47 UTC
Thanks, Susan, for that interesting post. I had to chuckle when I read that
your 18-year-old llama knocked the judge off her feet. I thought at first
that you were just using a metaphore. Then I realized you meant she was
physically bowled over.

It's funny how each animal has his or her own character. Folks who aren't
around animals much don't realize that but it's true.

Bruce Atchison - author of When a Man Loves a Rabbit and Deliverance from
