My concoction worked!
(too old to reply)
David V.
2008-08-14 01:53:36 UTC
Usually the llamas stay in their own pasture. When the weeds out
front get too high, I close the front gates and let them out in
front. They love it there, but they also loved my roses.

I say loved.

This year I took a bottle of cheap pepper sauce, 8 ounces I
think, dumped that in a spray bottle. Then filled up the pepper
sauce bottle with water and then dumped that in the spray bottle.
Then I took about a 1/4.... maybe a 1/3 cup of corn oil (so it
would stick), shook it up, sprayed my roses real good. I re
applied the next day just for good measure.

The flowers are still there. Untouched.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
Susan Gawarecki
2008-08-14 21:22:01 UTC
I know some people who would eat those hot roses!

Susan G
Post by David V.
Usually the llamas stay in their own pasture. When the weeds out
front get too high, I close the front gates and let them out in
front. They love it there, but they also loved my roses.
I say loved.
This year I took a bottle of cheap pepper sauce, 8 ounces I
think, dumped that in a spray bottle. Then filled up the pepper
sauce bottle with water and then dumped that in the spray bottle.
Then I took about a 1/4.... maybe a 1/3 cup of corn oil (so it
would stick), shook it up, sprayed my roses real good. I re
applied the next day just for good measure.
The flowers are still there. Untouched.
David V.
2008-08-14 23:51:24 UTC
Post by Susan Gawarecki
I know some people who would eat those hot roses!
Not me. I like mild. Food isn't supposed to hurt.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2008-08-15 01:49:57 UTC
Post by David V.
Post by Susan Gawarecki
I know some people who would eat those hot roses!
Not me. I like mild. Food isn't supposed to hurt.
If your ears aren't sweating after you eat then it wasn't hot enough.

David V.
2008-08-15 18:45:17 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
If your ears aren't sweating after you eat then it wasn't hot
I'd rather taste my food and save the sweating for something
later in the evening.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2008-08-17 19:40:39 UTC
Post by David V.
Post by r***@yahoo.com
If your ears aren't sweating after you eat then it wasn't hot enough.
I'd rather taste my food and save the sweating for something
later in the evening.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
I have to agree with Randy - if you don't sweat, it isn't hot enough.
I have a hot pepper vinegar that is almost too hot to use. It has
habanero and tobasco peppers in it. I warn people about it before
they use it, but it's great on greens. But congratulations on the
Susan R
2008-08-18 21:10:31 UTC
Post by David V.
I'd rather taste my food and save the sweating for something
later in the evening.
I could make all sorts of comments there but I'm resisting and it's
damned near killing me.

David V.
2008-08-19 03:54:26 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by David V.
I'd rather taste my food and save the sweating for something
later in the evening.
I could make all sorts of comments there but I'm resisting and it's
damned near killing me.
Good. My evil plan is working. :-)

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2008-08-19 13:05:35 UTC
Good. My evil plan is working.  :-)
Bastard !!

David V.
2008-08-21 02:26:44 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by David V.
Good. My evil plan is working. :-)
Bastard !!
Hmmm..... now that I think of it..... evil plans always work.
Nice plans always fail.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2008-08-24 17:48:59 UTC
Post by David V.
Hmmm..... now that I think of it..... evil plans always work.
Nice plans always fail.
Good thing I have no plans then.

Are the fires still burning ?

David V.
2008-08-28 03:09:43 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Are the fires still burning ?
The fires around here are out.... for now. San Diego is burning
again. They should run out of stuff to burn in 5 or so years if
they keep this up.

We're expecting 100+ degree heat for the next 4 or so days.
People think I'm nuts for sleeping on my front porch. I think
they're nuts for sleeping inside a hot house when they could be
outside in the cool, fresh, air.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2008-08-15 01:50:43 UTC
Post by Susan Gawarecki
I know some people who would eat those hot roses!
Susan G
Me !
Probably wouldn't care for the rose byt the concotion sounded like a
fine salad dressing to me.
