Hey David
(too old to reply)
2010-01-12 21:48:00 UTC
Did you shake, rattle and roll with that earthquake the other day ?

David V.
2010-01-15 01:09:38 UTC
Post by Randy
Did you shake, rattle and roll with that earthquake the other
day ?
No, I didn't even feel it. I'm way too far south.

My 3 females were acting strange though..... but they always do
that. The two new females are starting to integrate into the
herd. It's taken 6 months. The other day one female was dominance
mounting the lowest ranking female, then the highest ranked
decided to dominance mount that one. All three lined up in a row.
The funny part is that the one on the bottom was just chewing her
cud ignoring what the others were doing.

Llamas are nuts.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-01-16 17:06:28 UTC
Post by David V.
No, I didn't even feel it. I'm way too far south.
My 3 females were acting strange though..... but they always do
that. The two new females are starting to integrate into the
herd. It's taken 6 months. The other day one female was dominance
mounting the lowest ranking female, then the highest ranked
decided to dominance mount that one. All three lined up in a row.
The funny part is that the one on the bottom was just chewing her
cud ignoring what the others were doing.
Llamas are nuts.
I thought you were in way north CA. I must be wrong as usual.
Sure hope you took pictures of the hump festival.

We had 3 of our dogs do that earlier this week. Pond up by the road
frozen over and there they were, on the pond, all hooked up. Guess
were just trying to give driver's going by a cheap thrill.

2010-01-17 00:18:52 UTC
Post by Randy
I thought you were in way north CA. I must be wrong as usual.
Randy, you may have been thinking of me. Eureka was the town most
prominently mentioned in the news stories and that is where I (and a few
earlier generations of my family) grew up. Maybe I mentioned that
sometime. I just spoke to my sister who still lives there and she told
me all about it. Earthquakes are very common in that area and I have
been through several large ones myself, however, this one seemed to hit
especially hard. My sister told me that both of their rental houses
happened to be empty so there was no collateral damage and only slight
structural damage to one of the houses. The house that she lives in is
a good solid, fully furnished house---apparently the earthquake
figured this was a good time to rearrange things! Lots of things were
knocked over and/or moved around but there was very little real damage.
Tables and lamps were knocked over, pictures fell off the wall but
only the mirror over the fireplace was broken. There were several
aftershocks but most went unnoticed.
2010-01-17 01:50:54 UTC
I thought you were in way north CA.  I must be wrong as usual.
Randy, you may have been thinking of me.  Eureka was the town most
prominently mentioned in the news stories and that is where I (and a few
earlier generations of my family) grew up.  Maybe I mentioned that
sometime.  I just spoke to my sister who still lives there and she told
me all about it.  Earthquakes are very common in that area and I have
been through several large ones myself, however, this one seemed to hit
especially hard.  My sister told me that both of their rental houses
happened to be empty so there was no collateral damage and only slight
structural damage to one of the houses.  The house that she lives in is
  a good solid, fully furnished house---apparently the earthquake
figured this was a good time to rearrange things!  Lots of things were
knocked over and/or moved around but there was very little real damage.
  Tables and lamps were knocked over, pictures fell off the wall but
only the mirror over the fireplace was broken.  There were several
aftershocks but most went unnoticed.
Hey George, Good to hear from you.
It's been a long while.
How you doing ?

David V.
2010-01-19 02:39:32 UTC
Post by Randy
I thought you were in way north CA. I must be wrong as usual.
I'm right near Yosemite. I like to live near Yosemite because
that's where I work as a park ranger. Living up north would make
for a very long commute. :-)
Post by Randy
Sure hope you took pictures of the hump festival.
I didn't have a camera, but I'm sure they'll do it again.
Post by Randy
We had 3 of our dogs do that earlier this week. Pond up by
the road was frozen over and there they were, on the pond,
all hooked up. Guess they were just trying to give driver's
going by a cheap thrill.
I've never seen a cat do that. They have too much dignity.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-01-20 00:35:17 UTC
Post by David V.
I thought you were in way north CA.  I must be wrong as usual.
I'm right near Yosemite. I like to live near Yosemite because
that's where I work as a park ranger.  Living up north would make
for a very long commute. :-)
Sure hope you took pictures of the hump festival.
I didn't have a camera, but I'm sure they'll do it again.
We had 3 of our dogs do that earlier this week.   Pond up by
the road  was  frozen over and there they were, on the pond,
all hooked up.   Guess they were just trying to give driver's
going by a cheap thrill.
I've never seen a cat do that. They have too much dignity.
Only been to Califorina a couple of times and I don't think LA counts.

We're gathering up all the barn cats and taking them all to be fixed
Vet's giving us a bulk rate. Sure don't need anymore kittens around
place or cats or strays....

Then we start taking in all the dogs for shots, etc. Hope he gives us
a bulk
rate for that also. Got 1 female pyr left to be spayed. Old vet
wouldn't do
it as they thought she was to skinny. Yeah, she's thin but eats like
a horse.


David V.
2010-01-22 18:38:25 UTC
Post by Randy
Only been to Califorina a couple of times and I don't think LA
No, it doesn't. That's why we, in Northern Calif, keep sending
water down there; so they won't come up here.
Post by Randy
We're gathering up all the barn cats and taking them all to be
fixed Friday. Vet's giving us a bulk rate. Sure don't need
anymore kittens around the place or cats or strays....
Then we start taking in all the dogs for shots, etc. Hope he
gives us a bulk rate for that also. Got 1 female pyr left to
be spayed. Old vet wouldn't do it as they thought she was to
skinny. Yeah, she's thin but eats like a horse.
That reminds me.... I have a cat I have to have spayed. Kittens
are cute and fun, but all that ends when you have to get rid of them.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-01-22 20:37:31 UTC
Post by David V.
Post by Randy
Only been to Califorina a couple of times and I don't think LA counts.
No, it doesn't. That's why we, in Northern Calif, keep sending
water down there; so they won't come up here.
Post by Randy
We're gathering up all the barn cats and taking them all to be
fixed Friday. Vet's giving us a bulk rate.  Sure don't need
anymore kittens around the place or cats or strays....
Then we start taking in all the dogs for shots, etc.  Hope he
gives us a bulk rate for that also.   Got 1 female pyr left to
be spayed.  Old vet wouldn't do it as they thought she was to
skinny.   Yeah, she's thin but eats like a horse.
That reminds me.... I have a cat I have to have spayed. Kittens
are cute and fun, but all that ends when you have to get rid of them.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
Even worse, I stayed in downtown LA for 2 weeks once.

I could send you some more cats. We have spares.

David V.
2010-01-23 20:17:38 UTC
Post by Randy
Even worse, I stayed in downtown LA for 2 weeks once.
I couldn't stay there that long. Now you can say you lived in
hell and made it out.
Post by Randy
I could send you some more cats. We have spares.
The ones I have now are enough. Those damn city people keep
coming up here and dumping all the spares we can deal with.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-01-24 00:42:52 UTC
Post by David V.
The ones I have now are enough. Those damn city people keep
coming up here and dumping all the spares we can deal with.
We get bunches dumped here also. Cat's and dogs.
Most don't even survive the 1st night before something else eats em.

First couple months we lived here we had over 15 puppies dumped at our
place. 1 guy barely slowed his car down and just tossed the pup out
window. It survived but was unconsious for 24 hours and lots a big
of skin on it's head.

Worst are the tom cats. They show up and cause problems. 1 showed
up and killed a litter of kittens. It died from lead poisoning. Lots
of lead.
David V.
2010-01-25 01:11:34 UTC
We get bunches dumped here also. Cat's and dogs. Most don't
even survive the 1st night before something else eats em.
That's how I got my two cats; they were dumped. They were the
lucky ones. The rest were eaten or squished.
First couple months we lived here we had over 15 puppies
dumped at our place. 1 guy barely slowed his car down and
just tossed the pup out the window. It survived but was
unconsious for 24 hours and lots a big chunk of skin on it's
I'm against the death penalty.... but for that person I'd gladly
look the other way.
Worst are the tom cats. They show up and cause problems. 1
showed up and killed a litter of kittens. It died from lead
poisoning. Lots of lead.
Shoot, shove, silence....

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
Susan Gawarecki
2010-01-25 19:56:12 UTC
Hi Guys,

Long time no hear from.

I have 2 kittens from a feral litter that are my new barn cats (the
former barn cat moved up to the house after my 2 elderly Siamese died).
All you have to do is look at my vet bills (exams, vaccinations,
worming, ear mites) to know that there is no such thing as a "free"
kitten. However, the little female is completely enamored with the
llamas and they with her, so the entertainment value alone is huge.

Susan G
Post by David V.
We get bunches dumped here also. Cat's and dogs. Most don't even
survive the 1st night before something else eats em.
That's how I got my two cats; they were dumped. They were the
lucky ones. The rest were eaten or squished.
First couple months we lived here we had over 15 puppies dumped at our
place. 1 guy barely slowed his car down and just tossed the pup out
the window. It survived but was unconsious for 24 hours and lots a
big chunk of skin on it's head.
I'm against the death penalty.... but for that person I'd gladly
look the other way.
Worst are the tom cats. They show up and cause problems. 1 showed up
and killed a litter of kittens. It died from lead poisoning. Lots of
Shoot, shove, silence....
2010-01-26 12:19:01 UTC
Post by Susan Gawarecki
Hi Guys,
Long time no hear from.
I have 2 kittens from a feral litter that are my new barn cats (the
former barn cat moved up to the house after my 2 elderly Siamese died).
  All you have to do is look at my vet bills (exams, vaccinations,
worming, ear mites) to know that there is no such thing as a "free"
kitten.  However, the little female is completely enamored with the
llamas and they with her, so the entertainment value alone is huge.
Susan G
Yeah, where you been Susan ?

BoJangles has his own pet cat that prefers to hang with him instead of
other cats, etc.. They are real close buddys.

The 3 guard Great Pyreneese also have their own pet cat who lives down
them and hangs out there.

We're finding that the feral cats and their offspring are great
ratters and mousers.
Much bettter then normal/reguler cats. Even the young ones go out
hunting in
the pastures and come back with some pretty big rats. Daily.

All our cats were supposed to get fixed last friday but something came
up (saga)
and the vet had to delay it until tomorrow. Well, tomorrow we're
supposed to get
an ice storm followed by heavy snow so we have to cancel as the vet's
office is
45 miles away.

Susan Gawarecki
2010-01-27 20:35:24 UTC
We're supposed to get that same storm Thursday. I hope it holds off
until after my Board of Directors meeting.

Susan G
Post by Randy
All our cats were supposed to get fixed last friday but something came
up (saga)
and the vet had to delay it until tomorrow. Well, tomorrow we're
supposed to get
an ice storm followed by heavy snow so we have to cancel as the vet's
office is
45 miles away.
2010-01-28 01:39:59 UTC
We're supposed to get that same storm Thursday.  I hope it holds off
until after my Board of Directors meeting.
Susan G
Storm isn't here yet but it's supposed to really suck.
Freezing rain followed by up to 13 inches of snow.

A year ago today we got 5 inches of freezing rain and were without
for about a week.
Susan Gawarecki
2010-01-28 21:29:34 UTC
Post by Randy
Storm isn't here yet but it's supposed to really suck.
Freezing rain followed by up to 13 inches of snow.
A year ago today we got 5 inches of freezing rain and were without
for about a week.
Our weather has been delayed about a day from earlier forecasts, and the
temperatures are predicted to be somewhat higher. This may throw us
into the "wintery mix" zone in daytime, with night temps in the low
double digits (I predict icy conditions). I'd rather have nice cold
snow, truth be told.

My older llamas aren't tolerating the bitter cold very well. I throw a
blanket over the ones I see shivering or who spend a lot of time kushed.
It's amazing to me that my first llamas, Monty & Cuzco, are nearly 15
years old! Unfortunately neither boy has held up very well--both are
down on pasterns and having trouble holding weight. I have older
females who are in better shape than those guys.

Susan G
2010-01-28 22:49:43 UTC
My older llamas aren't tolerating the bitter cold very well.  I throw a
blanket over the ones I see shivering or who spend a lot of time kushed.
  It's amazing to me that my first llamas, Monty & Cuzco, are nearly 15
years old!  Unfortunately neither boy has held up very well--both are
down on pasterns and having trouble holding weight.  I have older
females who are in better shape than those guys.
Susan G
Our weather hasn't arrived yet either and the forecasters still don't
know what
we're going to get. I'm guessing the freezing rain and heavy snow.
Once it
starts it's not supposed to let up until Saturday sometime. We're
expecting to
lose power again but think we're ready this time or as ready as we can
Food is stocked up, water is stocked up, propane camp stove is in
the house,
generator is in place and ready to go. Only worry will be the animal
waters but
I can always go out and hammer holes in their water and also the

We're down to 2 llamas. BoJangles and Angel aka Psycho. Both are
well and are 10 years old. Angel is prego and due around May.
is penned next to the house until after the storm and ice. His
pasture is real
steep and is terrible when iced up.

We're still having to keep an eye out for the cougar that killed
Hopefully I can do some tracking with the snow on the ground. Tried
that a
few weeks ago but it was getting dark and I didn't want to stumble
across a
cougar in the dark.

David V.
2010-02-03 18:29:26 UTC
Post by Susan Gawarecki
Hi Guys,
Long time no hear from.
I have 2 kittens from a feral litter that are my new barn cats
(the former barn cat moved up to the house after my 2 elderly
Siamese died). All you have to do is look at my vet bills
(exams, vaccinations, worming, ear mites) to know that there
is no such thing as a "free" kitten. However, the little
female is completely enamored with the llamas and they with
her, so the entertainment value alone is huge.
With my llamas it's the ravens. There is a resident pair that
walks under, around, and lands on top of the llamas. I watched on
llama follow a raven for over 100 feet. Whenever the raven
stopped, so did she. In the spring the ravens land on the llamas
and take their time pulling out the wool they want for their
nest. I've seen them eating grain out of the same bowl. Last
spring the pair brought their fledglings to meet the llamas. It
was funny watching them getting to know each other.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-02-06 00:22:24 UTC
Post by David V.
With my llamas it's the ravens. There is a resident pair that
walks under, around, and lands on top of the llamas. I watched on
llama follow a raven for over 100 feet. Whenever the raven
stopped, so did she. In the spring the ravens land on the llamas
and take their time pulling out the wool they want for their
nest. I've seen them eating grain out of the same bowl. Last
spring the pair brought their fledglings to meet the llamas. It
was funny watching them getting to know each other.
We had 3 resident ravens at our place in Nebraska.
Larry, Daryl and Daryl. They were pretty tame and hung around the
I used to toss dirty fiber on the ground when I sheared and the ravens
other birds would haul if away for their nests. The last year we were
Nebraska we had 6 ravens. Guess Larry, Daryl and Daryl found mates.

We have ravens here also but they're pretty wild and pain in the butt.
David V.
2010-02-22 18:09:15 UTC
We had 3 resident ravens at our place in Nebraska. Larry,
Daryl and Daryl. They were pretty tame and hung around the
llamas. I used to toss dirty fiber on the ground when I
sheared and the ravens and other birds would haul if away for
their nests. The last year we were in Nebraska we had 6
ravens. Guess Larry, Daryl and Daryl found mates.
We have ravens here also but they're pretty wild and pain in
the butt.
The ravens here are no problem. There is this bird, though, I'd
like to find. It sounds like it is laughing at me when I'm out

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain
2010-02-24 14:07:14 UTC
Post by David V.
The ravens here are no problem. There is this bird, though, I'd
like to find. It sounds like it is laughing at me when I'm out
Mocking bird ?
Susan Gawarecki
2010-02-24 21:09:46 UTC
Post by Randy
Post by David V.
The ravens here are no problem. There is this bird, though, I'd
like to find. It sounds like it is laughing at me when I'm out
Mocking bird ?
Woody Woodpecker?

--Susan G
2010-02-26 14:01:08 UTC
Post by Susan Gawarecki
Woody Woodpecker?
--Susan G
Heckel & Jeckel ?
David V.
2010-03-02 01:59:06 UTC
Post by Randy
Post by David V.
The ravens here are no problem. There is this bird, though, I'd
like to find. It sounds like it is laughing at me when I'm out
Mocking bird ?
LOL, Must be.

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain