Hi Dave, With horses (yeah, not the same, but lots more
research and info), you up the hay in cold weather. I always
fed grain with horses, but kept the protein to %10-%12. I
did up the grain for mares and young stock. Too high a % of
protein can cause the body temperature to rise as the kidneys
have to work harder. I have had horses for 40+ years and
that is the way I did it.
Upping the hay seems to be the consensus so far.
With llamas, I do feed my guys a cup of pelleted food a day,
with minerals that complement it and they have all the hay
they want (I use round bales) year round. When I have had
young llamas, they pretty much had free choice pellets (I
usually put out 6 cups per llama at a time) with pasture or
hay, but with no ill effects as that was the way they were
The ranch where I learned about raising llamas had a "creep
feeder." The crias could pass through a hole in the gate that the
adults could not. In there they found some free choice grains and
hay. It seems they also liked to taunt their mothers from the
other side of the gate.
I don't think either species has the temperature of the
stomach raised by grain vs. hay. Aren't your guys older? When
I have had a old llama to care for, I fed him Senior feed
that has the roughage combined with it
Mine are getting older. 10 to 15 years old now. I have one that
I'd love to fatten up a bit. Lleroy, he's the one with the wry
face and galloping arrhythmia. He's always been skinny and I've
never been able to keep any weight on him. Maybe I'll try the
Senior feed.
I always thought the heating the stomach thing was just another
ranch tale. You know, those tales the old timers tell. Like the
other one I heard; you MUST cut all the wool off of young llamas,
especially when they turn two years old. That way the "growth"
will go into their bones instead of their wool. Don't worry, I
didn't believe that one.
"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is
putting on its shoes."
Mark Twain